Tuesday, May 13, 2014

About Permethrin Canada

I have started to blog to educate Canadians about Deer Ticks and Lyme Disease.  Deer ticks are now found in most parts of Canada .  I will be compiling information on Lyme Disease and Deer ticks on this site as well as ways you can protect yourself when you are enjoying the outdoors.

Where to Purchase Permethrin in Canada

You can order 10% Permethrin from Permethrin Canada - Birds Hill Enterprises

How to treat your clothes with Permethrin

Permethrin is a contact pesticide that kills black flies, ticks, and mosquitoes on contact but has no harmful side effects on humans if used properly. It is the active ingredient used in Insect Shield and Buzz Off clothing and kills bugs when they land on your clothing by overloading their nervous system. You can buy Permethrin in liquid form and spray it on your own clothes or soak your clothes to the same effect. 

I did some searching on the internet and came up with these links where you can read what others have done to protect themselves against Lyme Disease.
http://sectionhiker.com/treating-your-clothes-with-permethrin/  - read the comment sections on how to dilute 10% Permethrin to soak  your clothes.  Make sure your clothes are perfectly dry before wearing.  

Prevention of Lyme Disease


There is no vaccine for Lyme disease. The best way to avoid Lyme disease is to protect against tick bites. Health professionals should advise their patients to take the following measures:
  • If there are ticks in your area, cover up if you think you might be exposed to them. Wear closed-toe shoes, long-sleeved shirts and pants. Pulling your socks over your pant legs prevents ticks crawling up your legs. Light-coloured clothing makes spotting ticks easier.
  • Use insect repellents that contain DEETExternal Link (concentration between 20-30%) or Icaridin. Repellents can be applied to clothing as well as exposed skin. Permethrin applied to clothing and then dried is a proven way of killing the ticks that cause Lyme disease. Always read and follow label directions.
  • Shower or bathe within two hours of being outdoors. Daily “full body” checks for ticks should be performed: ticks attach themselves to the skin so they can be found and removed, which usually prevents infection if this is done early enough (within 24-48 hours). Be sure to check children and pets for ticks as well.

 10% Permethrin - $36.00/quart - instructions on how to soak your clothing included.